All appointments must be secured with a 50% booking fee. It will be used towards your treatment price.
Booking fees are non refundable.
If any changes need to be made to your appointment, please notify me at least 72hours in advance. Your appointment can be rescheduled only once for permanent make up, if you reschedule earlier than 72hours before your original appointment.
If you cancel, need to reschedule earlier then 72hours notice, dont show up or arrive at your appointment and there are conflicting issues or with held information that will mean i can not carry out the procedure then your booking fee will be forfeited.
Any new appointments booked will require a new booking fee to confirm.
Due to unforeseen circumstances you maybe late for your appointment. If you are able to notify me of the delays, please do so at the earliest opportunity. If you are going to be beyond 15 minutes late unfortunately your appointment will be cancelled and your deposit will be forfeited.